Spring issue of Quilts Japan Magazine

*In the Spring issue of Quilts Japan Magazine,* Hikaru wrotes about the contemporary quilts exhibition ‘alt-quilts’ at the American Folk Art Museum . Hikaru interviewed all three artists in the exhibition to explore their unique approach to using traditional patchwork and quilting methods and language to express their art.
In this issue, Hikaru writes about the third artist in the exhibition, Stephen Sollins, who has been creating art using used envelopes patched together. Much of his work is based on historical patchworks from American Folk Art Museum collection. So although the patterns feel regimented, the overall impression is remarkably light and modern, incredibly fine paperwork.

There is another article in this issue showing paper patchwork made from used wrapping paper in a workshop in an old age home in Japan, whose residents have difficulty do needlework any more. It is really interesting to see the contrast between paper patchwork as contemporaly art in New York and paper patchwork as a rehabilitation craft in an old age home. Both of them are fantastic!

キルトジャパン誌 好評連載中の野口光の世界の手仕事から。2014年春号は、私が2013年10月にニューヨークで取材をしたアメリカンフォークアート美術館で開催された「alt-quilts(もう一つのキルト展)」のレポート後編です。アメリカでパッチワーク、キルトといったフォークアートとしてアメリカの近代社会史において重要な位置にある手芸が、現代のアートの世界でアーティスト達にどのような影響を与えているか?あえてパッチワークを使うことで伝えられる表現とは、を追及した展覧会です。3名のアーティストと学芸員に現地でインタビューをして書き上げました。


■Stephen Sollins

■American Folk Art Museum


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