The Cowichan people, who are natives of British Columbia in Canada, and the people of the Scottish highlands have both given me inspiration for my latest collection. Both groups of people live their lives surrounded by wild nature - forests, rivers and wild animals, as well as their livestock.
Their lives are quiet and uneventful by big-city standards. But these people are strong, hard-working and have a sense of community and belonging of which city-dwellers can only dream.
And on a few special occasions during the year, they sing and dance all day and night with music and high spitits,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is the image that inspired my Autumn and Winter collection 2009-10. I have concentrated on producing updated versions of traditional patterns, in colours that work for the latest season.
From the Cowichan, I took inspiration for my deer and river pattern scarves and gloves. From the Scots, I took inspiration for my fairisle and tartan check scarves. And from hardworking rural people everywhere, I took inspiration for the other shawls, scarves and gloves in the collection.
As usual, the items in my collection are designed to be worn equally comfortably by men and women.
The collection is made from the best quality Australian Merino lambswool which has a very soft, sheen and body. The yarn is spun in Scotland and Italy.
The result is products which are warm and forever soft. |
hikaru noguchiのコレクションは、女性だけでなく、良質な日常着を愛する男性に根強い人気があります。懐かしい雰囲気の伝統柄を活かした模様や編地に深い色合いのマフラーは着る人を優しい気持ちにさせてくれます。
暖かい空気を閉じ込めながらも通気性を保つ繊維はウールならでは。長年着ていても変わることなく、柔らかく暖か。首さわりの優しさと着心地を大切にしています。 |