Quilts Japan November Issue 2013

Hikaru writes about English Textile Artist Caren Garfen and her famous micro-cross stitch work in the November 2013 issue of Quilts Japan Magazine.

キルトジャパン誌好評連載中、野口 光の’世界の 手仕事から’
11月号はハンカチやティータオル(台所用布巾)といった目がつまった平織りの綿生地の上に、マイクロ クロススティッチで女性の本音を語るイギリスの刺繍作家 カレン ガーフィンさん特集です。

カレンさんの作品は、今年12月に東京で行われる英国の現代刺繍団体 ’62グループ’の作品展で見ることが出来ます。お見逃しなく!

Quilts Japan September Issue 2013

In the September 2013 issue of Quilts Japan I wrote about darning goddess
Rachel Matthews and her father David.

My old knitting friend Rachel showed me the joy of using a darning mushroom a few years ago, and since then I have called her ‘My Darning Goddess’. I have presented darning workshops in Tokyo three times now, and I found that many people love mending their old holey clothes as much as they love shopping.

I visited Rachel’s father who hand makes darning mushrooms using fallen branches from his garden in the English Lake District and interviewed him about his creative life.

私は数年前に友人であり、ニットデザイナー仲間であるレイチェル マフューさんからカケハギの魅力について伝授されました。以来、ロンドンのレイチェルさんのお店で売られているキノコ型のカケハギ専用の用具、ダーニングマッシュルームを使って、東京で装飾ダーニングのワークショップを3回も開催しました。参加者の皆さんが、着古した愛着のある服を修繕する行為に喜びを感じている様子を見て嬉しくなりました。こんな魅力的な針仕事を伝授するマフューさんと、湖水地方でこのダーニングマッシュルームを手作りするお父様のデイビッドさんを取材し、ものを作ること、ものを所有することの関係を考えてみました。

Quilts Japan July 2013 Issue

Hikaru wrote about Tales Of The Unfinishable in her very popular regular
column in the Quilts Japan Magazine July 2013 issue.

Tales of The Unfinishable is a project run by two English ladies, Felicity Clarke and Hazel Conners. All craft lovers have had the experience sometime in their lives of not being able to finish a project, and we often have such an emotional attachment to those unfinished projects that we cannot throw them away. The authors investigate the how, the why and the forces behind this emotional attachment.


KEITODAMA Autumn 2013 Issue

Hikaru’s design is on the front page! Keitodama Autumn 2013 issue is now on sale.

This is a special issue about traditional European round yoke designs, for which I designed a poncho which is on the front page! and a pullover inspired a traditional Swedish Bohus design.

I also designed two different types of socks which are perfect for a weekend knitting project.

HIKARU NOGUCHIデザインの丸ヨークポンチョが表紙を飾る’毛糸だま’誌2013年秋号が発売中です。




KEITODAMA Summer 2013 issue

Keitodama Knitting Magazine Summer 2013 is now published in Chinese too.
In this issue, I have tried using one design which can work in summer
yarns, like cotton and linen, and also in winter yarns like wool and alpaca.
I really enjoyed this challenge, which fits well with my Eternal Design
Policy, the essence of which is that my textile designs should work for any
season, gender and age.




Magic Patch Magazine published by Les Editions De Saxe now!

Magic Patch is a French Patchwork Magazine published by Les Editions De
Saxe, and you can see my article about Des Ateliers Du Monde (Workshops of
the World) at pages 48 and 49. In this issue, I wrote about a unique shop
called J&B THE SHOP which is run by Jessie Chorley who creates interesting
fashion and home accessories from beautiful vintage materials in very
fashionable part of the East End of London. All the products are made by
Jessie and her partner Buddug Humphreys who is a ceramic artist. There are
so many huge cookie-cutter chain stores all over the world, especially
England, and it is a delight to find this unique gem of a space full of
personal stories of stitch and drawings.

Magic Patch est un magazine de patchwork français publié par Les Editions
de Saxe, et vous pouvez voir mon article sur des Ateliers du Monde aux pages 48
et 49. Dans ce numéro, j’ai écrit sur une boutique unique appelé J & B THE
SHOP qui est géré par Jessie Chorley qui crée la mode intéressant et
pour la maison à partir de matériaux vintage belles, dans un quartier très
à la mode à l’est de Londres. Tous les produits sont fabriqués par Jessie et
son partenaire Buddug Humphreys qui est un artiste en céramique. Il y a
tellement de grandes chaînes de magasins partout dans le monde, en
particulier en Angleterre, et c’est un grand plaisir de trouver ce joyau
unique plein d’histoires personnelles, de couture et de dessins.


Let’s Knit Series 2 is now published in Chinese now.

In this issue, I designed a “boyfriend’s shape” v-neck cardigan and mini skirts inspired by my favourite traditional Welsh blankets which I have been working with for over 15 years. This knitted fabric gives more of a woven fabric look, but is still light and stretchy, making it more comfortable to wear.



The Let’s Knit Series is now published in French and Chinese.

I designed a stripy shawl shape jacket using beautiful linen yarn, which is great item to take on holiday, for this issue, together with a story about my Trans Siberian Train Trip in 2011.

J’ai conçu une veste de forme châle rayé avec beau fils de lin, ce qui est excellent à prendre en vacances, pour ce numero de la magazine, avec une article sur mon voyage Transsibérien en 2011

《世界编织 1 蕾丝编织的美丽世界》向读者者介绍了2012、2013年即将流行的时尚毛衫50余款,本书作品全部由日本著名的编织大师设计制作,内容覆盖面非常宽泛,既有2012年全球流行的蕾丝花样编织、来自法兰西巴比洛的蕾丝编织、艾薇尔的编织物,还有最新发布流行的蕾丝编织工具和材料,以及优雅的网眼蕾丝作品,毛衫、披肩、夹克、背心、围巾、帽子、鞋袜、胸花、头饰等等,款款经典,百看不厌。http://www.hnstp.cn/?product-2109.html



I showed my AW13-14 collection at the PULSE GIFT FAIR at Earls Court in London from 12 to 14 May.

I was delighted to receive many orders from UK shops which have not previously stocked my collection, ranging from a shop in the Orkney Islands to one in Brighton. I will publish the new list of stockists in September.

ロンドンの PULSE GIFT FAIRに出展いたしました。

緊急告知!! WORKSHOP 開催のお知らせ!

Love customizer 出版記念!カワイイ補修 ”装飾ダーニング”
WORKSHOP 開催のお知らせ!

by hikaru noguchi


■日時:2013年5月25日(土)午前の部 10時~12時 午後の部 14時~16時
■定員:女性 各10名
■場所:Coffee Labo. at THE MIDTOKYO GALLERY
■参加費:5,500円 (ダーニングマッシュルーム代金 3,500円 講習料 & 竹脇氏によるコーヒ又は紅茶 を含む金額になります)
■応募方法:5月18日(土) am 10:00より メールにて受け付け。先着順です。

詳しくはLove customizer 出版記念!カワイイ補修 ”装飾ダーニング”をご参照ください。
