HIKARU NOGUCHI’S AW2016 COLLECTION is timeless and genderless, well designed knitted accessories which have the incredibly tactile comfort of natural fibre.

The question: What would you like to keep in your wardrobe for the next ten, twenty or thirty years, and still be as happy with it then as you are today?

key items
Loose-knitted Chunky Tweedy Cashmere Mix Scarf
Patchwork Felt Finishing Scarf
Cashmere Reversible Knitted Tie
Darning Visible Mending Stitch Scarf

HIKARU NOGUCHI’s designer, Hikaru will a launch a free mending service for the majority of items in the collection, in keeping with the philosophy that our products should last forever.
As part of this service, Hikaru will also sell Darning Mushroom Kits, which are essential traditional haberdashery tools for Visible and Invisible garment mending.
As she travels around the world, Hikaru offers to mend damaged knitwear for free, asking the owners of the garments: ‘Why do you want to repair this garment?’ From this exchange, Hikaru notes and records the owners’ reasons and the stories behind why they want to preserve the garment.
HIkaru believes that understanding the relationship between owners and their garments contributes to her creativity when thinking about and designing her knitted accessories collection as she has been doing for the last twenty years.

The Kid Mohair collection:

The Lamb’s wool collection: グラフィックの印象が強いフォークアートの模様と色彩。青空、夕日、蜃気楼、霧を背に聳え立つ大都会の高層ビルから見立てたストライプを基調としたラムウールコレクション。

The Cashmere Tweedy Collection:

イギリスでニットのコレクションを立ち上げ20年を迎えるHIKARU NOGUCHIは、イギリスや北欧の伝統ニット模様や技術を基調に、最新式コンピューター編み機の技術を駆使した編地、吟味された素材で作り上げたニット、ウール商品を毎年発表しています。長年の愛好家やコレクターも多く、特にファッションバイヤー、スタイリスト、エディターといったプロたちから支持されています。

2008年にはじめたニットタイコレクション、メンズアクセサリーコレクションも今年で7年目。フランスの老舗ブランドC社やH社、イギリスの老舗狩猟ブランドのニットタイの開発を手がけたイギリス ミッドランドのニット工房とのコラボレーション。定番模様に加えて、毎シーズン発表される新柄や新色が評判です。HIKARU NOGUCHIのベースであるイギリスでは、PRESENTやTHE GARBSTOREといった厳選されたメンズカジュアルで有名なメンズファッションショップをはじめ、SCP、TOM DIXON SHOPといったモダンインテリア系のライフスタイルショップでも人気です。「イギリスでもHIKARUほどの伝統と新しいニットの知識と経験を持つデザイナーは珍しい。配慮の行き届いた商品つくりは、英国製ながらもメイド イン ジャパンという感じだね」と生産背景や素材にこだわるメンズバイヤーからも賞賛されています。

この20年の間では、イギリスの繊維産業の生産背景も大きく変化しましたが、HIKARU NOGUCHIの商品を生み出すウェールズやスコットランド、ミッドランドにある 昔から変わらない 小さくとも堅実に商品を作り上げる町工場たち。そのような工場と長年 商品開発をしあう信頼関係こそがよい商品つくりにつながるとHIKARU NOGUCHIは信じています。巨大工場にあるような流れ作業のコマのひとつではなく、一つ一つの専門作業に責任と誇りを持つ工員達。休み時間にビスケットをほおばりながらお茶を楽しみ、何気ない会話を楽しんでいる、そんな気持ちのゆとりのある工場。そうゆう環境で生み出されたHIKARU NOGUCHIの商品は「顔つきが穏やか」と称されます。

今コレクションでは、HIKARU NOGUCHIが愛してやまないウェールズの民族衣装で使われる希少ヴィンテージストライプフラネル(ウールの平織り生地)で作ったネクタイを創業20年記念として発表しました。
また2011年からは、HIKARU NOGUCHIは世界最大のモヘア原毛の産地である南アフリカの東ケープ州で、モヘアコレクションつくりにも力は入ります。四季の気温の差が激しい乾燥した環境で育ち、丁寧に刈り上げられた希少なキッドモヘア原毛を近隣の紡績工場で製糸し、地元のニット工房で一つ一つ編み上げたもの。

長年愛用いただいたお客様方から「大切に毎シーズン愛用していたが、最近虫食いが酷くて、、」等の声から、今シーズンからHIKARU NOGUCHIのマフラー、ショールには英国伝統のダーニングかけはぎサービスがつきます。これで虫食い穴も、引っ掛け穴も怖くありません。


For Christmas 2015 we have a warm festive-inspired collection with new colour ways, based on the most popular designs from our AW2015 collection. The Christmas catalogue is attached in PDF format. We are taking orders now for these special limited edition items.
They will be ready for delivery by 15th November for orders placed before end August 2015.
Sales enquiries to: hikarunoguchi@gmail.com

HIKARU NOGUCHIコレクション:2015年クリスマス限定デザインの受注を開始いたします。
HIKARU NOGUCHIの2015年秋冬コレクションで一番人気の高かった商品を、年末の華やかな季節に似合う色合いにデザインをしなおした限定版です。
お問い合わせは hikarunoguchi@gmail.comまで。 pt20150807_xms01


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AW15-16 hikaru noguchi collection


The Kid Mohair collection: soft and fluffy as a kitty and moussy as the froth on the ocean’s waves
The Lamb’s wool collection: Inspired by graphical folk art with bright colours and stripes bold as a sunset on a sky-scrapered cityscape
The Cashmere Tweedy Collection: misty as winter forest

This year marks 20 years of Hikaru Noguchi’s collections. Every collection has experimented with new colours and techniques, building up a formidable treasure chest of experience to incorporate into the next collection, and helping to create beautiful, charming, quality products. Hikaru looks forward to another 20 years or more of creative production.
During the past 20 years, her relationship with Wales has been one of the most important elements in Hikaru’s design work. From this relationship, Hikaru introduced her Welsh Vintage Flannel tie collection to join her popular signature knitted ties. Over 20 years ago, Hikaru was awarded a textile research grant which she used to visit textile mills all over Wales. That led to the discovery of the charm of working with rural textile mills and the slow, careful and beautiful production style which they represent. This has become Hikaru’s basic design and production standard for her collections.
In recent years, Hikaru has forged deep relationships with the mohair industry in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, where over 70% of the world’s mohair is produced, visiting mohair goat farmers and learning how to the finest mohair is produced. She has been inspired by the sights of thousands of mohair goats in the endless empty dry African landscape, and cried and laughed with the farmers and farm workers at their stories of their struggles to produce the world’s finest mohair. There is a great feeling of satisfaction in knowing exactly where the raw mohair comes from, and that it is produced in an ethical and sustainable way.
Ethical and sustainable production is important, and infuses the way we plan and produce our products. But having fun, sharing jokes and cups of tea are also part of our philosophy, and we hope that the fun and the love for what we do shine through in our products just as much as the quality of the materials. We have no huge warehouses packed with stock. Every order is produced individually, paying attention to the needs of the particular customer.
And now Hikaru has added a new feature to her creative work – a Decorative Darning service. The aim is to up-cycle customers’ old knitted garments, so there is no more need to worry about moth holes! (Details of the service are available on request).


レディースコレクションとFAABRIG (ウェールズのブランケットとその小物)の新作発表会のご案内


*Trade show information (professional buyers only)*

会場:ベルサール渋谷ファースト HALL B1
詳細及びお問い合わせは 高橋 乾三 takahashi.sympa@gmail.comまで

The AW 2015-16 hikaru noguchi men’s collection will be shown at:Capsule PARIS

Cité de la Mode, 1er étage, 34 quai d’Austerlitz, Paris, France 75013
Friday 23 and Saturday 24 January: 10am – 7pm
Sunday 25 January: 10am – 5pm
The Kid Mohair collection: soft and fluffy as a kitty and moussy as the froth on the cean’s waves
The Lamb’s wool collection: Inspired by graphical folk art with bright colours and stripes bold as a sunset on a sky-scrapered cityscape
The Cashmere Tweedy Collection: misty as winter forest

This year marks 20 years of Hikaru Noguchi’s collections. Every collection has experimented with new colours and techniques, building up a formidable treasure chest of experience to incorporate into the next collection, and helping to create beautiful, charming, quality products. Hikaru looks forward to another 20 years or more of creative production.
During the past 20 years, her relationship with Wales has been one of the most important elements in Hikaru’s design work. From this relationship, Hikaru introduced her Welsh Vintage Flannel tie collection to join her popular signature knitted ties. Over 20 years ago, Hikaru was awarded a textile research grant which she used to visit textile mills all over Wales. That led to the discovery of the charm of working with rural textile mills and the slow, careful and beautiful production style which they represent. This has become Hikaru’s basic design and production standard for her collections.
In recent years, Hikaru has forged deep relationships with the mohair industry in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, where over 70% of the world’s mohair is produced, visiting mohair goat farmers and learning how to the finest mohair is produced. She has been inspired by the sights of thousands of mohair goats in the endless empty dry African landscape, and cried and laughed with the farmers and farm workers at their stories of their struggles to produce the world’s finest mohair. There is a great feeling of satisfaction in knowing exactly where the raw mohair comes from, and that it is produced in an ethical and sustainable way.
Ethical and sustainable production is important, and infuses the way we plan and produce our products. But having fun, sharing jokes and cups of tea are also part of our philosophy, and we hope that the fun and the love for what we do shine through in our products just as much as the quality of the materials. We have no huge warehouses packed with stock. Every order is produced individually, paying attention to the needs of the particular customer.
And now Hikaru has added a new feature to her creative work – a Decorative Darning service. The aim is to up-cycle customers’ old hikaru noguchi products, so there is no more need to worry about moth holes! (Details of the service are available on request).


Rope Picnic meets hikaru noguchi AW14-5 collection is ready in a shops and online now




*ROPE’ PICNIC ロペピクニック