
Hikaru Noguchi moved to England from Japan in 1989 to study constructed textiles, specialising in knit, having previously taken a degree in graphic design at Musashino Art University in her native Tokyo. Finding a measure of artistic freedom and stimulation in England which she had not found in Japan, she stayed on after completing her studies at Middlesex University to take up knitted textile design work, developing new and innovative textiles for furnishings, scarves, bags and garments.

This direction has led to her collaboration with a number of British designers including Tom Dixon, Top Shop and projects for Barneys, Browns, Paul Smith women, Takashimaya New York and many other stores.

Her work has developed to mix texture, colour and hand knit qualities. With influences from traditional knit patterns and techniques, such as fair- isle, Aran, embroidery and stripe. Sources of inspiration are diverse, from flea markets all over the world to paintings of De Chirico. She seeks a look that is both sophisticated and quirky, achieved through unusual juxtapositions of colour and texture. Throughout, her fundamental theme is one of joie de vivre.

Hikaru has participated in many shows and exhibitions all over the world, and her work is sold in boutiques and department stores in London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, and elsewhere.

野口 光 略歴



卒業制作で作った一連のフェルト化させた編み地を張ったアームチェア、スツールやクッションが、インテリア紙の”ワールド オブ インテリア”のベストワークに選ばれ、またイギリスを代表する家具デザイナーのトム デクソン氏と共作するなど、ニット地のインテリア小物ブームのさきがけとなる。

1995年に英国工芸協会(CRAFT COUNCIL)の新人デザイナーをサポートする事業設立助成金受賞者に選ばれ、また登竜門であるチェルシークラフトフェアー にも出展するようになる。そしてバーニーズN.Yや、TAKASHIMAYA NEW YORKなどに、オリジナルのニット地を中心とした、インテリア、ファッション小物を制作、 卸しを始める。

以来ニューヨーク、東京、ロンドンを中心に、世界10ヶ国、約150店が HIKARU NOGUCHIの商品を扱っている。